Monday, August 31, 2009

twitter and job searching...

10 job tweeters you should be following
By Anthony Balderrama writer

When microblogging and social networking site Twitter debuted three years ago, plenty of people wrote it off as yet another pointless addition in the overcrowded networking world.

Considering the site only allows people to post, or Tweet, messages of 140 characters or less, you can't blame early skeptics.

But little by little, users proved the site's worth to nonbelievers. Last year, student James Karl Buck was traveling in Egypt and wound up in jail. He Tweeted "arrested" to notify his friends of what was going open and ultimately get out of jail.

During the 2008 presidential election, candidates reached out to voters using the service. When a plane crashed into the Hudson River in January, a Twitter user posted the first photograph from the scene. Read more here

Monday, August 3, 2009

another music sharing lawsuit...

It seems like record companies are getting serious about file-sharing music. A Boston University grad student has to pay $675,000 for downloading and distributing 30 songs. It appears that people who download and distribute music are the ones the record companies are hitting hard. This student has to pay $22,500 per song. Seems kind of extreme to me but I guess they're trying to send a message. Check out the article.